Friday, August 26, 2011


Trey had to go in to the hospital today, not for his seizures, but for cavities. He had to go into the OR under general anesthesia b/c he had so many cavities. I'm embarrased to even say how many he had. Nine. Can you believe it? What kind of a mother am I?? I feel awful. I brush his teeth every night without fail. Okay, so I haven't been perfect about getting flossing done every night (but do most nights) and I'm not great at getting his teeth brushed in the morning, but what mom is? Super mom? I don't know what happened from his last appointment 8 months ago (when he had none) until now, but some virulent bacteria must have entered his mouth and wreaked some havoc!! I am now going to be a crazy nazi tooth brushing/flossing/mouth rinsing/water picking 3 times a day mom!! ...or at least I'm sure I will be to start with and then I'll taper off. BUT - I do plan on getting those teeth brushed at least 2x a day and flossed at least 1x. I sure don't want to do this to him (or myself) again. Poor little guy is as pale as a ghost tonight even hours after the anesthesia wore off. I'm feeling great about myself tonight. Kudos to me for having the kid with 9 cavities. Trashy. Anyway, hopefully he'll be feeling better tomorrow.


  1. Corky pooh - lighten up on you! This is just what happens to kids...they get cavities. My whole head was a giant cavity when I was a kid...and I still turned out ok :o)(well...sometimes I like to think so...)

    You are a great mom!

  2. I agree with Amy. He won't even remember it in a few months. You're an awesome Mom.

  3. I had five cavities when I went to the dentist last time... and I'm not trashy :-P And I've been a crazy tooth nazi ever since. Don't worry - he wont remember it and next dentist visit will be much better! Don't beat yourself up over it. There is no sense!

  4. haha!!!! No worries...some kids are just prone to cavities!!!
